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Thank you for your interest in our group and considering conducting your graduate studies at the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University. If you have not done so already, please visit here for details on the courses we currently have on offer at our Division of Environmental Science Development.


If you have spent some time looking through the content of this site and reading a couple of our highlighted publications (if not please do so!), you will notice that my research interests and our lab activities are mainly focused on issues related to global change ecology, landscape ecology and macroecology. Most of our work is done in aquatic systems. However, you probably have also noticed that both I and our group members are a nice blend of different cultural, educational and research backgrounds. The fact is that I believe fostering richness of personalities and research interests in a research group is, within coherent limits, very important. As such, I am always open to discuss interesting research ideas and support applications of students/researchers that are motivated, hard-working and, importantly, have a passion for ecology and the conservation of nature. Of course both Japanese and foreign candidates are welcome. Just remember my Japanese is still limited so you will need to communicate with me in English (or Spanish!).


Bear in mind as well that acceptance of new students into our lab depends on the particular circumstances at the time you contact me such as funding availability, your own situation and interests, or my own working load and academic commitments. For queries about joining our lab please send me an e-mail with the following: (1) your CV, (2) copies of transcripts, (3) summary of research experience, if any, and (4) a statement of research interests.


Please see below for some general information about (post)graduate grant opportunities in Japan.​




Currently there are no open vacancies

Information grants



There are a number of good funding schemes for students wishing to enrol in our master and doctoral courses as well as for researchers wanting to conduct postdoctoral work in Japan.


Postgraduate students


The best option in Japan for foreign students seeking financial support for their PhD studies are the monbukagakusho scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). MEXT offers the most comprehensive funding package for foreign students wishing to come to Japan for their postgraduate studies. It covers tuition fees and a sufficient annual stipend for maintenance. There are two channels available for applying these scholarships (embassy and university recommendation). More information about this grants here. Look also for specific information at the website of the Japanese embassy in your own country.


Another option available are the JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists, which are open to all nationalities with the only condition that at the time of applying you must either be enrolled or be scheduled to enrol in a doctoral course at a Japanese university. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) also offers different funding schemes for international students of specific regions such as Africa or Asia for conducting postgraduate studies and internships in Japanese universities. Finally, Hokkaido University does offer some minor funding options on its own (e.g. tuition fee waivers). You can check these here.


Postdoctoral research and visiting researchers


If you are interested in conducting postdoctoral research in Japan, the best way is through the JSPS postdoctoral research grants for foreign and Japan-based students. For the latter you must be a Japanese national or have a permanent residence permit. There are several calls each year. Remember that applicants need to find their host institution and host supervisor in Japan before applying.


JSPS also offer funding opportunities for overseas researchers wishing to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan. More information here. Finally, other interesting grants for developing research ideas or holding workshops are provided via their bilateral program.


Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University

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