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​A description of ongoing research projects I am leading is provided on the right. Other than these, I currently participate as co-investigator or partner investigator in the following national and international projects:


  • (2019-2023) Assessing ecological and social impacts of coastal ecosystem tropicalization and adaptation strategies. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) - Grants in Aid for Scientific Research / Kiban B.

  • (2018-2023) Resilience of river ecosystems under climate change-focusing on river structure, biodiversity, and ecosystem function. Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT).

  • (2021-2031) Development of basic technology for generalization of marine biodiversity big data and applied technology for protecting the richness of the sea. Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

  • (2022-2024) Portfolio projection of biodiversity responses under climate change. Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant (DP220102760)

  • (2022-2024) 'Climate-smart strategies to develop resilience in artisanal fisheries of Mediterranean Marine Protected areas' (CLISSARTES). AXA Research Fund and IOC-UNESCO ‘More resilient Coastal Livelihoods” Fellowships Research Projects. This project has been endorsed as Decade Action forming within the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.

Climate Change Resilience of Indigenous Socioecological Systems (RISE)
Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)


In partnership with the indigenous communities and other local stakeholders, RISE joins research teams from Japan, Russia and Thailand

to understand the socioeconomic and nutritional contributions of Indigenous traditional food systems and the risks to those systems from future climate and environmental changes with the final aim of promoting their long-term sustainability and adaptation. We are working on two case studies involving Karen and Sakha communities of Thailand and Yakutia (Russian Far East). For more details of the project please visit our RISE website.

Risk assessment of river ecosystems associated with climate change: fusion of statistical models and mesocosm experiments
Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)


This project combines field monitoring of mid- to low-order streams together with statistical modeling and experimental work to understand the effects of environmental drivers on water temperatures, the distribution and composition of stream biota, and analyze the potential effects of future climate change on those relationships. In order to do so, we are monitoring air and water temperatures across more than 200 sites and conducting fish, macroinvertebrate and benthic algae assessments in four river catchments distributed over Japan (the Sorachi and Teshio rivers in Hokkaido, the Kiso river in Honshu, and the Hiji river in Shikoku). Results are expected to provide important information for improving management and conservation of Japanese rivers under present and future climate change.

Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University

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